1964 Corvair Monza EV

Build Basics: Battery Boxes
Jun 13, 2022

Once you figure out what batteries you will use in your car, you can make dummy batteries out of wood or cardboard to test fit. Then you can figure out where to put them, and build frames or boxes to hold them.

My car uses 44 total CALB 180Ah batteries. The original plan was to put 20 cells in the front and 24 in the rear, but I've since changed that to have 23 in front and 21 in the rear due to some modifications I had to make for suspension geometry.
Note the dummy battery used to test fit in the front photo.

Jan 15, 2023 : Comment by: Mike
Any updates on this. I’d love to know more about your build and how you mated the motor to the existing transaxle

Aug 06, 2023 : Comment by: Monica
Hi! I can't believe I stumbled across this page! Fate must have brought me here because I was just telling my family that I want to make my current (non-running) 64 Corvair Monza into an electric vehicle! They laughed!! I know that some Corvair enthusiasts would roll in their grave, but I would very much like to follow this project and find out where I need to start to begin my own journey! Please let me know by leaving a reply. Thank you so much for posting this, and your pictures!

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